I am a woman of 31years of age hailing from Serowe. I was very happy to be introduced to GL as they taught me about business and that there is need for book keeping recording all the activities in the business and also recording the incoming and outgoing cash.
I joined Gender Links in 2014 and I have attended all the seminars that have been held in my area. the 1st lesson was on gender based abuse, 2nd lesson was about business people and how they made it and the 3rd was how we may write up our business plans and start up our own businesses. The lessons taught me a real deal but the main points was one about abuse and the one about cash flow in a business.
At this point I brew traditional beer to sell so to support my family. Before I met up with Gender Links I was unemployed and could not come up with any idea of ways I can help sustain my family, they motivated me to come up with a way to generate income hence the beer brewing came about. I have joined financial societies with the local women to help each other financially. The money from brewing alcohol has enabled me to take my children to school. For me to get the start-up capital for my brewing business I occasionally did other people’s laundry, when they paid me I slowly bought brewing ingredients up until I was able to buy them all and start manufacturing.
I no longer experience abuse as I am now with a partner that does not abuse me. There is much difference in my life as I am now happier, people in the community notice all the change and often ask me how I did it. I then educate them the same way I had been educated at the GL workshops about abuse and also business.
I learned that as a person giving up on life is never an option, that there is always a way out and organisations that offer assistance. I wish to be a GL ambassador so I officially educate people especially the youth on the seriousness of gender based abuse. I learned that joining or volunteering in organisations is helpful as one obtains life skills. By 2030 I hope to have expanded my business hopefully with another one in the pipelines. I will like to thank GL for all the difference they made in my life, I do not know where I will be without them by my side.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024