I learned that as a person you should not be afraid to ask for help, I learned about abuse and that as a person one needs to be able to reach out to people and talk to them about her problems for them to be relieved of all the anger and stress. The lessons on abuse were important to me as I was living in an abuse environment.
I started the programme in 2014 and attended all the workshops, the most important I have learned was how to use a computer. The main challenge in the workshop was mathematics but I managed to get help from various people.
I do not have a business but I do wish to go into tailoring, I have studied dress making and I am awaiting my results from the social workers office in our council. I have been assisted and I am waiting on their response.
I have experienced abuse from my sister in law and my brother. The abuse is massive to the point that coming to the workshop today we were in an argument calling me a retard. He also said that he will not babysit for me I should take my child with me to wherever I am going. I knelt down praying asking my late parents to help, I realised calling out to the late was of no use I should pray to God who by His might I was introduced to Gender Links. Gender based violence can be reduced by minimal dependence on other people financially.
I was able to sustain myself by doing other people’s laundry and cleaning their yards, for me to be able to take my child to school. Although I try so hard they still put me down asking where I got the money to even come for the Gender Links workshops.
I wish to buy a sewing machine or go back to the school that I learned dressmaking. I wish the staff of Gender Links good luck and prosperity because of all they taught me, that even if I am disabled I am capable of a lot.