Mauritius: *Zarhinna

Mauritius: *Zarhinna

Date: May 16, 2016
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I can never forget the words of the facilitator who told me that “life is not always about winning, it is a journey”. You need to appreciate the little things in life. I was still under the shock, the death of my husband and I was dragging life away. I was sad and not appreciating anything around me. But in 2014, when joined the Gender Links Entrepreneurship training, my whole life changed in a good way.

I had some difficulty when my husband had passed away. Life was difficult for me when my husband passed away, it was difficult for me to manage my household and even to feed the children. But with time, I learnedĀ  I have learnt to be strong for my children and the training has helped me a lot, my moral is boosted so much. I have received so much encouragement from the other women and the facilitator. At the begin of the training it was so unbelievable that a total stranger wont be genuinely in helping me without expecting something in return.

After the death of my husband I took to taking orders for snacks such as samosa and cutlets. I developed this idea because of the entrepreneurship training. I knew how to do all these and everyone in the family love them so I thought why not sell them to the public. When my husband was still alive I used to suffer from violence. I was a battered woman. My husband wouldnā€™t let me go anywhere neither I was allowed to work. I was confined within the walls of my home. Even my in-laws were not supportive at all. But the training made me realise that when a woman is independent she has more value and worth in the society.

I have learned that life belongs to those who live it. Courage is just an arm away. I handle my life and those of my kids with courage every day. I donā€™t bow to injustice; I say no and I teach my kids the same. I would love to be living in my home country back again and I would love to see my products in supermarkets.