Michaella Jean Louis

Michaella Jean Louis

Date: March 31, 2016
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Knowing my potential

Gender Links (GL) has shown me that I can do a step forward. It has helped me to know how I can better my lifestyle. I understand that it may not be easy to have financial resources to set up a business. I have joined the course at GL since the year 2014. I have attended all the three phrases of the course. Before the course, I did not know how to manage my money. Now I am aware of how I can plan a good budget. In addition, I did not know how to buy the things needed for the business to work and how to make profit. Now I can say that I am fully aware of these things. I have found out how to start something that I am sure not to expect deficits and drawbacks. Overall, GL has helped me to plan a budget in a sense that I do not have to rely on a loan to set up my business. Saving money on my own can make a difference. I am actually working as a cleaner at Alpha Cleaning. But I am also trying to concentrate myself a bit on a business plan such as selling of food and the sewing of decorative stuffs such as chair and table cover. I have not yet saved a lot of fund to realize the project fully but I am saving. I have had to realize a first sample of a table cover by myself for the first communion of my child. I did not have the finance to rent it. But I made a sacrifice to buy the silk cloth. Eventually, the silk table cloth appeared to be vey beautifully made.  This table cover that I have produced, I have been able to rent it with one of my neighbor. Through communication and mouth to ear contact, I have been able to obtain a few more contacts. However, the thing that prevents me at present to do my business fully is that my husband has heart problems. I have to care for him. I do not find time to extend my project. In fact I am a re-married women living with my in-law family. I have experienced a lot of violence from my previous husband who used to abuse me physically and emotionally. Now I am living peacefully with my present husband. He understands me. I consider him more than a man. He cares for me so much that he even does household tasks when I am ill. I have two sons from my previous marriage. I also have two sons and two daughters from this present marriage. I am living in a family consisting of eight members. Gender Links has been of great helps and support to me. It has made me become aware of my full potential. I know that later on, my business plan will become my main source of revenue. I want to work for myself. GL has made me trust in myself and have a ‘can do’ attitude. I will try my best to realize my business plan. I want to say thank you to Gender Links for making me believe in myself. Having a goal in life, I am sure to succeed.