My name is Ndilinasho Ndahepa Tate Tuhafeni Hamutenye meme Maria Angula. I am 49 years old, I have five kids and I am married women. I have been experiencing domestic gender violence since I got married. Me and my husband didn’t get on well, there were a lot of problem in our relationship. I been suffering a lot because my husband was always beating me, some time insult me. Peace was not there everyone was not just happy because there was bad spirit in the house. Even now I am still experience gender base violence. After I went through these entire difficult situation, one day I decide to go to police protection unit for assisted. I went there for three times to four times but nothing has change I am still experiencing domestic violence.
On the 02 July 2014 I, received a call from the gender office, informing me to attend Gender Links workshop. The workshop was base on gender base violence and entrepreneur skills. I started the workshop on 10-11 November 2014; I learn how to start my business for example how to prepare business proposal. I also learn how to save money even when you are not generating income and after training I was given a certificate. I started selling bread at lower price, compare to my competitor, it was very cheap price. I end up getting more income which increased my profit.
So I am happy to earn what I am getting now from my business. For now my life will only change if my husband changes his is still aggressive towards women and he is harassing me, beating me and insulting. My business is growing slowly and now my problem is going to be a big place where i can operate without any distractions and with the possibility of me having other products as well. My customer base is growing so rapidly. For now I am just selling my product near a government clinic which is difficult for me sometime because they chase me from time to time and i will never give up until I have my own place. The future looks brighter now.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024