How do you think the media portrays women and men?

How do you think the media portrays women and men?

Date: October 15, 2010
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Conrad Fonyuy, student

“To me it’s like I mostly depend on sport, where you don’t find women. Women are mostly based on presenting, they don’t focus too much on women.”
“I would say it should be 70-30. Especially for the married ladies because they need to stay at home and take care of the kids, not letting a nanny to do that.”
“To me it can’t be 50-50, if they make it, it’s not good. To me, men have to work and women to stay at home. If a man is working for six hours, a woman have to work for three hours…it is also expensive to pay for a nanny. If she works for three hours and gets back home, there’s more she can do.”


Walter Magongwa, taxi driver

“I read newspapers every day, 365 days a year. I hear more about men doing this and this and this. It is how I see it in the newspaper. I think it should be 50-50.”


A group of Grade 9 school girls

“Most women on television have fashionable hairstyles, wear make-up, heels and the most expensive fashion.” – Kayla Xhethu

“More women are on television because women can dress up; women, they can look more – eish – interesting than men; women are more attractive, more vibing, more beauty than men.” – Nhlanhla Mbulawa, Pretty Sikhonde, Kayla Xhethu



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