Key M&E Reports and Links

Item Form to Upload View Report
Centres of excellency Local Government Scorecard LG COE Institutional Report
Summit Combined Scores Report Council Community Scorecard Summit Combined Google data Studio report
Sunrise Campaign Training Materials Web platform and Sunrise campaign Training Documents/ Resources
Sunrise Campaign M and E per Stage Web platform and Sunrise campaign M&E Forms
Sunrise Participants report Sunrise Participants form Sunrise Participants Tracking Google Data Studio Report
Sunrise Council Report Sunrise Council form Sunrise Council Tracking Google Data Studio Report
Agenda 2030 SADC Protocol On Gender And Development Quiz Protocol Quiz Agenda 2030 Quiz Google Data Studio Report
Agenda 2030 SADC Protocol On Gender And Development Attitudes(GPS) reports Gender Progress Score(Attitudes Survey) Gender Attitude Report
​Agenda 2030 SADC Protocol On Gender And Development Citizen Score Card Citizen Scorecard Agenda 2030 Citizen Scorecard Google Data Studio Report

The surveys below are available on request from Gender Links. To make use of these surveys please contact

Name of Survey Platform Description
Team survey Survey Gizmo Score the team you work in or lead. Look at its of characteristics and select the number which reflects how true that statement is for your team
Evaluation form Survey Gizmo Scoring your workshops/activities on 10 different aspects
Alliance mapping Survey Gizmo A mapping exercise of country coordinating networks, their affiliates, and the regional theme clusters that drive strong campaigns nationally and regionally.
Partnership feedback form Survey Gizmo Getting feedback from partners
GEI Supplementary Survey Gizmo Tracking women entrepreneurs progress over time
Assessment of Council support Survey Gizmo Recording council support to women entrepreneur’s business
Gender Empowerment index report SQL Database Tracking women entrepreneurs progress over time
Mentorship Survey Gizmo Tracking women entrepreneurs progress over time
Botswana Relationship Survey – Women Survey Gizmo Survey gathering female citizen experiences of GBV
Botswana Relationship Survey – Men Survey Gizmo Survey gathering male citizen experiences of GBV
Political Discourse analysis Survey Gizmo Analysis of speeches where GBV is addressed in any form
GIME scorecard Excel A tool to score media houses on various gender mainstreaming aspects
GIME Survey Survey Gizmo A tool to score media houses on various gender mainstreaming aspects
Digital Media and Monitoring Tool Survey Gizmo Tracking digital media gender mainstreaming
Download the pamphlet
Media score card SQL Database A tool to score media houses on various gender mainstreaming aspects
GAMAG Questionnaire SQL Database A tool to gather data from  media houses on various gender mainstreaming aspects
Local Government Score Card Gizmo A tool to score councils on various gender mainstreaming aspects
Agenda 2030 Local Government Citizen’s Scorecard Gizmo A tool for community members served by COE councils to assess and measure council’s progress towards achieving gender sensitive and responsive service delivery
Organisational Gender Score Card Gizmo A tool to score organisations on gender mainstreaming aspects