Gender policy workshops in Mozambique and Swaziland

Gender policy workshops in Mozambique and Swaziland

Date: May 6, 2011
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As a follow-up to the Glass Ceiling research and Gender and Media Progress Study (GMPS), which revealed that women are underrepresented as decision-makers and news sources in media, Gender Links conducted a gender policy drafting workshop for media in Swaziland from 10-11 March. The GMPS revealed that there was a one percentage point increase in the proportion of women sources since the 2003 Gender and Media Baseline Study (GMBS). Many media houses are now trying to address their policy gaps in order to address this issue.

GL also conducted an inception workshop for media houses and the Mass Media Council (MMC) of Mozambique on 16 March in Maputo. This workshop served to sensitise media and the regulator on the need to mainstream gender into codes of practice and conduct. This is part of larger efforts to achieve gender equality in and through the media. The GMPS revealed that women make up only 14% of news sources in Mozambique. The 2009 Glass Ceilings study showed that women are also absent from decision-making positions in newsrooms. So far 10 newsrooms have supported the policy roll out process.

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