Launch of the SADC Gender Protocol Barometer

Date: July 26, 2010
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In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. The Alliance is a collective of over 40 national and regional gender NGOs, has been running a campaign since 2005 for the adoption, ratification and implementation of the SADC Gender Protocol.

The SADC Gender Protocol Baseline Barometer, launched in 2009, provided an in-depth analysis of the progress to meet the 28 targets of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This baseline Barometer provides a wealth of data against which progress will be measured by all those who cherish democracy in the region.

The 2010 Baseline Barometer is to be launched in August 2010 at the SADC Heads of State Summit in Namibia. This version includes updated data and statistics, as well as two new chapters. One chapter covers Article 28 of the Protocol, on peacebuilding and conflict resolution. This chapter will also assess the role of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, on Gender, Peace and Security. The other additional chapter will assess the role of the Alliance in effecting change.

To learn more about the alliance and this publication, please contact Loveness Jambaya at


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