New publication: Gender in Media Education in Southern Africa

Date: October 1, 2010
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The final product of the 13-country research initiative has finally come to fruition.The Audit of Gender in Media Education in Southern Africa (GIME) is the most comprehensive study undertaken of the gender dimensions of journalism and media education and training in tertiary institutions in Southern Africa. The study was administered in 25 institutions across SADC including in Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, between October 2009 and April 2010. Gender Links (GL) undertook the study, through the Gender and Media Diversity Centre (GMDC), a partnership between media development NGOs and knowledge institutions managed by GL.

GIME Launch: 13 October 2010. 7pm

On the first day of the Gender and Media Summit, the GMDC will host a book launch for the new publication, Gender in Media Education in Southern Africa. In addition, a seminar will be held focusing on gender in media education and specifically asking the question: Media Education and Media Practice: Do they link?


The seminar will begin at 7pm on 13 October at the Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg.

The Birchwood Hotel
PO Box 1106, O R Tambo International Airport, 1627
Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459
Tel: (011) 897 0000

Please contact Saeanna Chingamuka for more details at
More details will be posted on our Seminars page shortly.

About the GIME and how to purchase

The GIME study aimed to:

  • Establish whether or not gender is integrated in media education and training.
  • Identify gaps in current media/journalism education and training in Southern Africa with regard to mainstreaming gender in the curriculum.
  • Determine whether or not GL’s , as well as other gender and media texts, materials and electronic resources are used in media education and training in the departments of media education and journalism training at institutions in Southern Africa.
  • Use the findings to develop strategic interventions to ensure sustained gender mainstreaming in media education and training.

This report provides the data and findings mainly from interviews with academic staff and students at 25 tertiary institutions. A total of 321 individuals were interviewed, comprising 67 staff and 254 students with 53% female and 47% male respondents. Of this demographic, 34 staff and 136 students were females.

Relevant country comparisons are made throughout the report. This report also should be read with national reports on the GIME findings in each country which will be available on the Gender Links website.

The publication will be available for sale in the Gender Links online bookshop.

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