International Women’s Day: Towards a 50/50 campaign in SA – 8 March 2012

International Women’s Day: Towards a 50/50 campaign in SA – 8 March 2012

Date: March 6, 2012
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The issue of 50/50 has recently received renewed interest, with Adv Tlakula of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) speaking out on the need for a legislated quota system to effect parity in women’s participation. The Women’s Ministry, in its green paper discussions framing the development of a Gender Equality Bill, has also identified the issue.

Within the context of renewed interest and focus on the issue of 50/50, and the appalling local government election statistics as galvanizing evidence of the need for intervention, the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) take pleasure in inviting you to a round-table discussion and strategy session, to take this issue forward.

DATE: 8 March 2012, International Women’s Day

VENUE: 66 Twickenham Avenue, Twickenham Guest House, Auckland Park, Johannesburg

TIME: 9:00am – 2:00pm

At the round-table, the CGE will table final statistics on women’s representation in local government, compared with national and provincial representation. We will also table CGE research findings on current legislative provisions and the most appropriate vehicle for legislative reform on 50/50, whether to push for inclusion in the Gender Equality Bill, or seek reform of electoral legislation. We have also invited inputs from key stakeholders in this sector, to draw insights from the 50/50 campaign in South Africa, and bring their regional and international experience to bear.

The intention of the round-table is to create space for deliberation on findings, insights and recommendations. The envisaged outcome of this round-table would be to develop a clear position on what legislative process should be embarked upon in South Africa to embed 50/50 in our system. We hope to conclude with developing a clear strategy and programme of action, with timeframes and responsibilities, in campaigning for this.  


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