Radio Dialogue Zimbabew, Award Winner
Emmanuel Nkomo, Radio Dialogue, has begun a community radio programme on HIV and AIDS and gender-based violence (GBV), as well as on support groups in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. This programme has shown the need for society to give people living with HIV and AIDS economic, social, medical and psychological support. Through the programme, listeners have been made aware of what may constitute GBV, in this case inflicted by HIV-positive persons who demand unprotected sex from their partner or spouse, thereby infecting their partner. The discrimination on the grounds of one’s HIV status is a huge social ill, and this programme helps to combat this stigmatisation.
He began this initiative by visiting a community in Bulawayo called Pelandaba, where he spoke to men and women about what they think are the causes of gender violence and domestic violence. This brought to his attention the issue of high risk HIV transmission when a partner becomes unfaithful. Following this meeting he joined a support group called Victory Siyanqoba, made up of mostly people living with HIV and AIDS. He found that many of the members were unemployed because they had been dismissed from their jobs after having been away from work due to HIV-related illnesses.
These realisations lead Nkomo to craft a 15 minute weekly radio programme, where these issues could be discussed. The programme encourages listeners to get tested, live responsible lives and above all be part of HIV and AIDS support groups regardless of their HIV status.
To read Emmanuel’s case study, click here.
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