MDGs @ 10 – Still missing the gender mark?

Date: November 3, 2010
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On Tuesday 21 September, Gender Links hosted a debate and discussion: MDGs @ 10 – Still missing the gender mark?

This was hosted parallel with the UN General Assembly review of the MDGs from 20-22 September 2010. As world leaders met in New York to strategise on the way forward, Gender Links took stock of the situation in Southern Africa and shone a critical light on some of the key issues in the region, particularly around gender.

The workshop discussion addressed ways of moving forward to ensure that five or ten years from now the MDGs have been expanded and enhanced to properly address the many gender dimensions pertinent to development in the region.


  • Creating a space for participatory discussion and debate on gender and the MDGs.
  • Discussing and brainstorming ways in which the media can assist in ensuring that governments and civil society work together towards attainment of the MDGs.
  • Strategising the way forward towards strengthening the MDGs and how as a region we should use the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and its target to achieve sustainable gender equality.


  • Fact sheet on how the media should cover gender and the MDGs.
  • A report on gender and the MDGs.
  • An opinion and commentary piece on the debate and moving forward on key issues around the MDGs and gender.


  • Vibrant debate on gender and the MDGs.
  • Awareness-raising on the MDGs and their targets.
  • Sensitisation of citizens on why gender is a cross cutting issue in all the MDGs.

To learn more about this event, click here.

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