A gender analysis of the Zimbabwe education sectors policies, programmes and budget

Date: May 14, 2013
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The ZWRCN has been at the forefront of promoting gender budgeting in the Zimbabwe national budget process since 1999 through its Gender Budgeting and Womens Empowerment Programme. This programme selected pilot sectors for greater analysis including health and education, on the basis of their primacy as social sectors for development. In 2009 the ZWRCN commissioned a study on the education sector and this report is a product of that study. It is intended that the report be used as a resource in training and capacity building activities such as workshops when training on gender budgetingin relation to the education sector budgets and increase awareness of the importance of addressing gender issues in sector budgets and how sector budgets can promote or decrease gender inequality

ISBN: 978-1-77980-044-8
Publisher: Zimbabwe Womens Resource Centre and Network
Year of Publication: 2010

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