A Tinge of Blue: South African Association of Women Graduates 80 years of excellence

Date: March 31, 2010
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At this time of the 80th Anniversary of our Association it is worth recalling the essence of a woman’s role and place in society. Endeavours to achieve gender equity have spanned many years and À“unfortunately- will have to continue well into the future. In an editorial in The Bluestocking, April 1969, Arderne Tredgold noted: “We 9women) have indeed experienced a variety of conditions. We have shared full rights with men and had their confidence; we have been (and still are in some places) used as beasts of burden and a mere means to propagate the race; we have been regarded simply as playthings; we have been placed on pedestals À“ a cold and lonely elevation À“ and we have survived it all.À But this is not enough.

ISBN: 0-620-30273-9
Publisher: SAAWG
Year of Publication: 2003

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