African Renewal Vol 29 No 1

Date: August 19, 2016
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This is a special issue on gender. The feature article of this publication covers the important subject of keeping girls in school. Millions of girls remain out of school.This article claims that the gender gap has narrowed but progress is starting to stall. There is also an article entitled “Gender equality within reach: some progress made, but challenges remain” on Darfur.

There is an interview with Phumzile Mlambo – Nguka, executive director of UNWomen, entitled ” progress towards gender parity still slow and uneven” and another on gender violence looking at humiliation. This form of gender violence is on the increase in Zimbabwe and other African countries.

Another article celebrates the fact that the number of women legislators in Africa inches upwards, indicating a rise in women’s political participation and another looks at a unique approach to reducing electoral violence.


Author: UNDP
Publisher: UNDP
Edition: Vol 29 Number 1
Year of Publication: April 2015