An analysis of gender-based domestic violence and reactions in Southern Africa

Date: October 6, 2014
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The global community has a multiplicity of challenges and problems that include, amongst others, gender- based violence, which is a global problem. Since the early 1980s, Third World scholars including gender activists have formed interest groups to fight against gender- based violence in all fronts especially in Southern Africa. The purpose of this paper is to analyze different forms of genderbased violence and how women have reacted to violence, taking Botswana, Southern Africa and Zimbabwe as case studies. Gender based violence has increased in statistics and severity over the last ten years and has cut across all age groups. The paper is informed by the ecological model on individuals as perpetrators of violence, relationships, community and society at large as factors crucial in the incidents of GBV (Heise, 1999). Furthermore, the paper is informed by research- based reports on violence, HIV and AIDS and data from anti- HIV and AIDS governmental and non- governmental organizations. The author also conducted an empirical study to add to existing database on GBV. Based on the results of understanding the ecological model, a desk study and an empirical study, the author provides GBV as important for readers to take it as one of the top most agenda for everybody, and especially all stakeholders globally. Social scientists and others who may professionally have the acumen to provide lasting solutions to a problem that has adversely affected humanity are called on board to join the bandwagon in fighting GBV at different levels: individual, relationship, community and society at large.

Publisher: Wudpecker Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
Edition: Vol. 1(5) December
Year of Publication: 2013
Download : 19525_an_analysis_of_gender-based_domestic_violence.pdf

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