At the Heart of Change: The Role of Communication in Sustainable Development

Date: October 12, 2009
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Panos London’s At the Heart of Change: The Role of Communication in Sustainable Development 2007) is a call to development thinkers and planners to put communication at the centre of all development thinking – with more resources, planning, and expertise. Panos London believes that flows of communication, or lack of them, can make the difference between success and failure in achieving development goals. Readers of The Drum Beat probably agree – but top-level political and development leaders continue to neglect communication. In this piece, I ask you: What can we as the communication for development community do to put communication where it belongs, at the centre of development thinking? What are the obstacles, and what are the opportunities, as you see them in your own work?

Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 4th Edition
Year of Publication: 2008
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