A strong and informed engagement of EU citizens in development issues is considered essential for an ambitious EU development policy. Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) enhances European citizens’ understanding, skills and critical engagement regarding development and the issues that affect it. In this sense, DEAR should be considered as an integral part of EU development assistance. The Declaration of the European Parliament of 5 July 2012 on development education and active global citizenship2 calling the Commission and the Council to develop a long term, cross-sectoral European Strategy for Development education, awareness-raising and active global citizenship is a timely reminder of its importance. The present Staff Working Document takes stock of EU-funded DEAR activities managed and implemented by the European Commission through its Development and Cooperation Directorate-General. It is mainly based on the outcomes of the DEAR Study3, and of several evaluations carried out on the subject. It also presents recent developments and the results of DEAR workshops held in the framework of the “Structured Dialogue for an efficient partnership in Development”.4
Publisher: European Commission
Year of Publication: 2012
Download : 17960_dear_swd_2012_457_staff_working_paper_en.pdf
Comment on Development education and awareness raising (DEAR) in Europe: Commission staff working document