Farming climate smart future; placing agriculture at the heart of climate change policy

Date: January 19, 2012
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Global warming will change the face of farming, and is already doing so in some parts of the world. Increases in temperature, changing patterns of rainfall, more extreme droughts and floods, the shifting distribution of pests and diseases: all can be attributed in part to the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from human activities. All will have an impact on food production in the future. Moreover, the impact of climate change on agriculture has repercussions that extend far beyond the supply of food. Agriculture accounts for 29% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in developing countries and provides jobs for 65% of their populations. In many countries, economic health is closely linked to the fortunes, or misfortunes, of farming communities.

Publisher: Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation
Year of Publication: 2011

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