Farming’s climate smart future: placing agriculture at the heart of climate change policy

Date: April 18, 2012
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CTA has joined up with CCAFS to review the state-of-the-art of “intelligent” solutions being used in agriculture to respond to the effects of climate change.These practices could lead to an increase in food production while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The successful spread of these ideas will depend on the place accorded to agriculture during the negotiations and during the drafting of national policies. Without a specific programme dedicated to agriculture, it is difficult to see how the sector would be able to access the financing needed to implement measures of adaptation and mitigation. It would also make it difficult for policy-makers to work together, which is the only way of guaranteeing a basic level of effectiveness and tangible success.

ISBN: ISSN: 2212-6333
Publisher: CTA and CCAFS
Year of Publication: 2011

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