The Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005À“2015 (PoA)1 draws on international commitments for the realisation of women’s rights enshrined in CEDAW, the Beijing Platform for Action, the Millennium Development Goals and other agreements on health and education targets. The MDGs and other international instruments have been catalysts to increase the representation of women in leadership roles and decisionmaking positions by 2015. The United Nations and the Commonwealth Secretariat have committed to assisting their member countries to reach gender equality within the proscribed time frame. International organisations, development institutions and civil society have also contributed to reaching these global commitments. The PoA recommends member countries achieve a target of no less than 30 per cent of women in decision-making in the political, public and private sectors by 2015, the Commonwealth still faces a steep challenge in reaching this target.
Publisher: Commonwealth Secretariat
Year of Publication: 2013
Download : 19743_womenandpoliticalleadershipinthecommonwealth-informationbriefjune2013.pdf
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— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
Comment on Gender and Political Development: Women and Political Leadership in the Commonwealth (2013)