Gender Mainstreaming: A Participants Resource Book

Date: January 1, 1970
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The development of the Training Manual follows a recommendation made by participants after a four months long phased Gender and Development Training of Trainers Programme held from February to May 1998. A follow up of the participants revealed that the absence of structured training materials and core training materialss discouraged them from replicating training in their respective work settings. It was on the strength of this feedback that the Women’s Affairs Department planned to develop material for gender trainers.

The purpose of the Training Manual is to provide gender trainers/facilitators and trainees with information, methods, tools and strategies for gender tansformation. The Training Manual focuses on attitude change, strengthening gender analytical and planning skills, enhancing gender awareness and knowledge and facilitating change in gender roles and relations.

ISBN: 978-99912-0-643-1
Publisher: Women\'s Affairs Department, Ministry of Home Affairs
Edition: 1st Edition
Year of Publication: 2007

One thought on “Gender Mainstreaming: A Participants Resource Book”

Naimatullah Akbari says:

I need the manual for training of staff.

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