Gender mainstreaming in Latin American Parliaments: A work in progress

Gender mainstreaming in Latin American Parliaments: A work in progress

Date: April 16, 2012
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Gender equality in political participation is essential when evaluating the level of development in democracy. For decades women have been systematically kept on the side-lines and often faced the challenge of adapting to rules or parliamentary life created in their absence. Greater participation by women in political representation is first and foremost a matter of justice but also raises expectations about the role female legislators should play in representing gender issues. This report, carried out jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), describes and analyses the progress of gender equality in Latin America. The report is based on qualitative and quantitative data conducted by gender-sensitive parliaments.

ISBN: 978-91-86565-27-5
Publisher: IDEA & IPU
Year of Publication: 2011

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