Local believes in Kome affects male and female young students_ BBC MEDIA ACTION_ August 2016

Date: August 20, 2016
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Name of the story: Local believes in Kome affects male and female young students

Name of the publication: BBC MEDIA ACTION

Country: Tanzania


Brief description of the item of work you submitted and motivation of why it is a good example of gender awareness and sensitivity in advancing gender equality Post-2015.

Male and female young student are critically affected by local believes in kome, so it took me period of three months to investigate these believes.

Background: Why did you produce the story? What problem or context is it responding to?

Most of Tanzania media, report about this with no investigation from the field while our young male and female are suffering due to local believes.

Key objectives: What did you hope to achieve with this coverage?

I hope the government and the society will take measures to stop these believes.

Target audience: Whom did you hope to reach? Did you succeed in reaching this audience? What evidence do you have to that effect?

I hoped to reach both citizens and government leaders and I succeeded to reach them, the evidence is through response on message.

How did you go about producing the programme? How did you gather the data, how many sources, female and male did you consult? Why did you choose these sources and how were their voices important?

I gathered data through interviews, documentation and internet.

Feedback: What impact did it have? What evidence do you have to illustrate impact?

Please provide any examples of feedback that you received from the articles (from websites, letters, etc.)

I received message attached is some of them
