Name of the story: One of pioneers in the Maritime profession
Name of the media house: Radio Saut FM Stereo
Country: Tanzania
Brief description of the item of work you submitted and motivation of why it is a good example of gender awareness and sensitivity in advancing gender equality Post-2015.
The young Lady and one of pioneers in the Maritime profession is just a year old in the seamanship she joined in 2015. Navigation has for as long as it has existed been dominated by men.
In Tanzania, particularly it has not seemed to attract a considerable portion of the female population.
However, with entry of such young pioneers as Neema Zabron, the industry is beginning to change. Obviously overwhelmed by the job’s charm at sea, Zabron call upon more women to join the profession she says is so full of fun.
For the female implies, navigation harbours many opportunities. Are there any differences in the abilities of men and women to navigate? Any internet piece on the subject Zabron told me.
Anyone who has sat in the front of war a car with some one of the opposite sex is likely to have an opinion on this subject.
Men and women have been signing up for my courses in roughly equal numbers since, so she do not think she offended too many people in her answer.
She still a long way from having any final or definitive answers to this question, she have certainly taken more of an interest since. Looking for answers to this in history is fraught with problems.
There are exist biases in most earlier cultures and the record itself is often biased towards the male perspective, “the power powerful role of women, moreover, has been virtually ignored “. We find this bias woven into the world around some cultures.
The Inn-nuit see the steady east-southeast wind as Male, but the tempera-mental West-northwest wind as Female. The Gwi of kala hari know a male rain that is hard and driving, it ‘ shouts loudly” and comes from thunderstorms.
Why did you produce the story? What problem or context is it responding to?
The reason for me to produce this story is that the issue of Patriarchal is most problem in African Countries as many policies does are not in favour of women as many governments it is not in a fight of gender inequalities.
If a woman’s genes were more likely to be passed on by her physical appearance than her hunting and foraging ability then those are the genes that would be favoured and vice-versa.
That may not represent the world we live now, but it may be the one our genes have all sprung from. So are there any differences? Whenever a sexual difference has been found, most spiritual tests on humans, of whatever age, have shown males to be more adept than females.
In one experiment, the women’s ability to orientate themselves actually deteriorated after a blindfold was taken off. Conversely, women proved more effective at navigation professions.
Key objectives
What did you hope to achieve with this coverage?
The objective of the story is the Government and the communities to change mind-set to avoid patriarchal by allowing women to engage in different activities domains and tell the older women that have vast amount of outdoor work, hunting up stray ponies etc.
Another objective of the story is to made young ladies to build them self confidence and participating in various job as man do.
Also the story is aim to the members of the community especially the Lake zone regions in Tanzania the woman now can do anything as man like being ship navigator
Target audience
Who did you hope to reach? Did you succeed in reaching this audience? What evidence do you have to that effect?
The main target audience of the story are the female, because for many years in Tanzania and some part of the African continent they are lack beyond in many economic activities.
So through this story is going to change the mind-set of the ladies / women and made them to fill that they have ability to involve in varies activities than continue being working or being families care or being the ones who taking care of the families.
The group is male. The documentary is also focus to change the mind-set of male towards the women or female in the society, as you know for many years man is dominating women in various issue in the society.
Public has been not accept women that can hold top posts or some of professions like those of technical.
I targeted women, public at large and the government to take a role in collaborating with women in terms of supporting them with encouraging their initiatives together with their duties in the communities, rather than discourage them.
How did you go about producing the programme?
How did you gather the data, how many sources, female and male did you consult? Why did you choose these sources and how were their voices important?
I stated the program buy doing research and the method I apply is simple observation research, when I was traveling to Ukerewe district, which is found in Mwanza region inside the Lake Victoria. During my journey, I meet Ms. Neema Zabron.
The method which I apply to correct information is Interview technique and observational. I apply interview technique in order to get the different views from the people.
The story is including six people and Ms. Neema Zabron, she is main charter of the story, and I interview other two women. Also in this story I was include three man in older get they views. The treatment of women and man are treated equal.
The voices of these sources are important because they carry good message to other listeners.
What impact did it have? What evidence do you have to illustrate impact?
The story is create impact to the society because of the feedback I get from audience during the program is going on air.
The audience they get chance to comment on program by sending message through using the number which is used during the program.
Follow up
How would you conduct a follow up to your story and why?
The story is continue because I want to vast varies par of the Tanzania especially those which having water bodies like Kigoma region which is cover by Lake Tanganyika the reason is encourage young ladies to involve in being the ship navigator.
While that is being my plan to make developing story make this are the campaign, after aired this program I visit again to see how Ms. Zabron is doing on March, 2016 I meet again with him and now have plan to make new story which I called “Maisha ya Nyumban na Kazi”. Is kind of story which is going to like Ms. Zabron during the working place and while is doing home activities.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024