SADC Gender Protocol Barometer 2017

Date: December 15, 2017
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Now in its ninth edition, the 2017 Barometer is the first assessment of the Post-2015 SADC Gender Protocol. Moving with the times, the Alliance has also expanded the two main yardsticks in the Barometer. Both the SADC Gender and Development Index (SGDI) and the Citizen Score Card (CSC) are longer.

The Barometer includes many MERF and SDG indicators, as well as its own unique measures of voice, choice and control. The Barometer also introduces the Gender Responsive Assessment of Constitutions and Laws. Alliance experts and networks conducted this around the region. Thus a great deal of data, insights and analysis awaits the readers. It is also available online and in multi-media formats. The “SADC we want” is one in which citizens engage; step it up for gender equality, and make sure we achieve Planet 50/50 by 2030!

Download the Barometer 2017 Executive Summary. Visit the Barometer Data Portal to view data reports.

Download summaries of each chapter

Gender Protocol

The new Protocol aligns to the UN Agenda 2030 and the AU Agenda 2063 and Beijing Plus 20. All three take the  Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) forward by “leaving no one behind”.
The Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance produces the SADC Gender Protocol Barometer annually.

Author: Lowe Morna, C., Dube S. and Makamure, L.
ISBN: 978-0-9922433-9-5
Publisher: Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance
Year of Publication: 2017
Classification Number: 305.3 GEN