Seminar report: Social movements; the impetus for just, accountable and democratic Governance

Date: April 7, 2014
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The seminar on social movements this year was part of this agenda – to bring distinguished academics, religious personalities, activists and other development practitioners to ponder on the viability and feasibility of social movements as an impetus for just, democratic and accountable governance. The seminar reminded us that Social Movements are many times a struggle to achieve a dignified life for those affected by an injustice and hence we ought to acknowledge and value the courage they exhibit. In spite of this legitimate questions remain propelling the interrogation of the agenda of some social movements a bit more since their end-game is often questionable. Critical to this process was the challenge that was thrust to NGOs and their role in mobilizing citizens to demand for pro poor services, accountable leadership and democratic governance. The Seminar acknowledged some serious challenges and even contradictions in the theory and practice of Social Movements, but nonetheless re-echoed the “triumphalist” view of Social Movements as engines for transformation.

Publisher: MS - Training Centre for development Cooperation
Year of Publication: 2011

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