Spot the difference: Namibia’s political parties compared

Date: January 1, 1970
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The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) was established in 1992 in the belief that through the sharing of information and knowledge, democracy in Namibia could be strengthened. The NID consults with the government, political parties, civil society, the media, the private sector, traditional authorities and private citizens to secure support and advice for the development of civic education programs aimed at educating Namibians about the principles of multi-party democracy as enshrined in the Namibian Constitution. The NID’s Public Dialogue Centre (PDC) aims to stimulate public debate in a non-partisan manner by bringing together opinion leaders to brainstorm a variety of democracy-related issues.

“Spot the Difference: Namibia’s Political Parties ComparedÀ sheds light on the platforms of Namibia’s political parties; outlining the ideological histories of political parties registers with the Electoral Commission of Namibia, and comparing and contrasting their most recent election manifestos and other party policy documents. By means of challenging political party representatives to discuss issues of national interest, this publication examines whether there are substantial differences in parties’ priorities and proposed political and economic policies. Furthermore, this volume assesses the effectiveness of opposition parties since independence and their potential for future growth. It is essential reading for the general public, civil society activists, political decision-makers, researchers, students and anyone interested in governance issues in Namibia alike.

ISBN: 99916-797-3-1
Publisher: Namibia Institute for Democracy
Year of Publication: 2005

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