Strengthening popular participation in the African Union

Date: September 4, 2012
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This guide is an effort to take up the challenge of achieving a vision of Africa that is ‘integrated, prosperous and peaceful.’ It is a tool to assist activists to engage with AU policies and programmes. It describes the AU decision-making process and outlines the roles and responsibilities of the AU institutions. It also contains a sampling of the experiences of those non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that have interacted with the AU. There are good reasons for engaging with the AU. It is the premier inter-governmental organisation for the African continent. It is the body responsible for the realisation of African unity and political and economic integration, and for promoting Africa’s social, political, economic and cultural development. It is the principal organisation for promoting Africa’s relations with the outside world, its image and the interests of its citizens.

ISBN: 978-1-920355-24-1
Publisher: OSISA and Oxfam
Edition: 2nd ed
Year of Publication: 2010
Download : 14436_afrimap-au-guide-en.pdf

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