Television across Europe: regulation policy and independence

Date: January 1, 1970
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The EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program (EUMAP) of the Open Society Institute
monitors human rights and rule of law issues throughout Europe, jointly with local
NGOs and civil society organisations. EUMAP reports emphasise the importance of
civil society monitoring and encourage a direct dialogue between governmental and
nongovernmental actors on issues related to human rights and the rule of law. In
addition to its reports on “Television across Europe: regulation, policy and
independenceÀ, EUMAP has released monitoring reports focusing on Minority
Protection, Judicial Independence and Capacity, Corruption and Anti-corruption
Policy, Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities, and Equal Opportunities for
Women and Men. EUMAP is currently preparing reports on Equal Access to Quality
Education for Roma; publication is expected in 2006.
EUMAP reports are elaborated by independent experts from the countries being
monitored. They are intended to highlight the significance of human rights issues and
the key role of civil society in promoting governmental compliance with human rights
and rule of law standards throughout an expanding Europe. All EUMAP reports
include detailed recommendations targeted at the national and international levels.
Directed at Governments, international organisations and other stakeholders, the
recommendations aim to ensure that the report findings impact directly on policy in
the areas being monitored.

ISBN: 1-891385-37-2
Publisher: OSI, EU
Year of Publication: 2005

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