The implementation of gender quotas is increasingly viewed as an important policy measure for increasing women’s access to decision-making bodies. The introduction of gender quota systems is highly influenced by recommendations from international organizations and cross-country inspiration. In 1995, the Beijing Platform for Action called on governments to take measures to ensure women’s equal access to, and full participation in, power structures and decision-making fora, and to set specific targets and to implement measures to increase substantially the number of women in politics, including through positive action. Gender quotas present us with new challenges, both in practice and as a new field of research. IDEA is engaged in a global research project on the implementation and practice of quotas worldwide in cooperation with Stockholm University’s Department of Political Science. By comparing the use of gender quotas in different political contexts it is possible to gauge whether, and under what conditions, quotas can be implemented successfully. This project aims to raise awareness about the use of gender quotas as an instrument to increase women’s political representation and to show that they can and are being applied successfully. IDEA also seeks to develop skills and knowledge, as well as to establish useful networks and to identify partners, among the interested parties to assist them in making progress in this important policy area. As a means of generating comparative information on quotas, IDEA is convening a series of regional workshops. This report documents the discussion at, and the findings from, the second in the series, The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences, which is to be followed by workshops in Africa, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, and the Arab World.
ISBN: 91-89578-007
Publisher: IDEA
Edition: Report Number 2
Year of Publication: 2003
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— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
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