Understanding society: Generations

Date: November 18, 2013
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This edition of the Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute’s Understanding Society explores the differing attitudes, values and expectations across generations, tracking how they change over time. This brings together some of our research from a year-long programme of work. There is an interview with the Rt Hon David Willetts MP who wrote one of the most influential books on the interaction between Britain’s generations. The Pinch inspired us to start looking at attitudes and values with a generational frame, so we are enormously grateful for his contribution to this publication. We have an article from Shiv Malik and Ed Howker, authors of the Jilted Generation, another ground-breaking study of generational differences. They argue that there is a real need to analyse societies through the frame of generations for wider policy and economic implications. Michelle Mitchell gives us her perspective on the challenges facing the baby boomers and pre-war generations, as well as her take on the debate around intergenerational fairness. This generational focus has been a major piece of work for Ipsos MORI, and we have published all our analysis, more than can be included here, on a dedicated website. At the end of this edition are snippets of that work to give a flavour – but do browse our website if you get a chance.

Publisher: Ipsos Mori
Edition: October
Year of Publication: 2013

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