Understanding society: the power and perils of data

Date: August 11, 2014
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This issue À“ The Power and Perils of Data À“ focuses on the potential for data to improve the way people live their lives, as well as exploring public views on some of the risks this greater reliance on data brings. The last decade or so has seen a shift in the way information is collected and analysed, bringing huge opportunities to transform how we organise society, business and government. Yet this raises questions about control and what can be done by those with access. Unique datasets taken from Ipsos MORI’s Global Trends Survey show that public anxiety about data sharing and transparency is high but varies across different types of people and is dependent on the type of data in question. Public concern about privacy has always existed, but has more recently been fuelled by international events such as Wikileaks, Edward Snowden’s revelations of NSA surveillance and the discovery of big companies using customer details irresponsibly.

Publisher: Ipsos Mori
Year of Publication: July 2014

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