Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-ZAX-NONEX-NONE UN Women Expert Group Meeting: Structural and policy constraints in achieving the MDGs for women and girls. V iolence against women and girls The International Indigenous Women’s Forum and the issue of violence. The International Indigenous Wom en’s Forum ( FIMI ) as a network of indigenous women leaders articulated to networks of nati onal and regional organizations of Asia, Africa and America ‘s has the mission to bring toge ther indigenous women activists , leaders and human rights from around the world to articulate their agendas , strengthen unity, develop leadership skills , and so progress in ensuring human rights of women. From the beginning of FIMI , the issue of violence against indigenous women ran ked as one of the areas of work , resea rc h and advocacy, being a problem which clearly intersect gender inequalities and ethnicity . We consider that any action of violence directly violates individual rights of indigenous women but also the collective rights of indigenous peoples, primarily the right to self – determination and the prior consent, but also free and informed. Indigenous women are in a context of colonization and militarization, racism and social exclusion , eco nomic policies and “development ” that increase poverty
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