The Government of Uganda developed a five year National Development Plan (NDP) which aims to accelerate growth, employment and socio-economic transformation. One of the constraints that hinders Uganda’s development is gender inequality. FOWODE commissioned a review to assess the sector performance in implementing the NDP’s gender commitments.
The assessment showed that with regard to prioritising the allocation of resources to gender related constraints the budget showed minimal gender sensitivity in resource allocations.
The analysis revealed that most of the data that informs planning and budgeting decisions is not gender disaggregated, especially in the agriculture sector so it is difficult to assess the extent to which women and men’s needs have been addressed.
Recommendations include the need to generate gender disaggregated data and gender sensitive statistics and where they exist to use them in planning and budgeting. There is also a need for a conditional grant for gender mainstreaming in all three sectors.
Publisher: FOWODE
Year of Publication: 2013
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