Women denied the right to transport_ Radio Saut FM_ August 2016

Date: August 22, 2016
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Name of the story: Women denied the right to transport

Name of the media house: Radio Saut FM

Country: Tanzania


Brief description of the item of work you submitted and motivation of why it is a good example of gender awareness and sensitivity in advancing gender equality Post-2015.

The project is a good example of the gender awareness as it tries to show out on how women are being discriminated in one way or another, hence this sense of the women to be denied the right to transport. With boats to travel from one place to another, once they are in menstrual period, the thing that is being done in Mwanza region most especially at Nyamagana district in place known as Sweya Street.

As the anglers who are found at this area, have those believes upon women that they cannot allow serving them. Once they want to use the boats to move from one place to another when the women are in their menstruation circle, the thing which is actually strange and directly tends to show on how women are subjected and undermined simply because of the believes which those fishermen have towards women.

As they believe once, they take and serve transport for those women using their boats. This will be a bad luck to them, as it directly cause loss to their fishing activities and sometimes can lead to disaster while they are in the water. Like they can for example fail in their fishing activities or sometimes get accidents as to what they believe taking those women is a curse and is not needed at all in their fishing activities.

Background Why did you produce the story? What problem or context is it responding to?

The reason for producing this story is to show on how sometimes this believes we have around our selves can have a great impact to the other people. Once they are not taken seriously, they can cause massive problems to the society. These believes by these anglers are directed against the human right and once they are being praised. They continued to be practiced they will directly undermine women in their respectively places hence through this it will make even women to be slowly start to be annoyed some other rights simply because they are women and they have some other personal factors which differentiate them directly from men.

Largely, the story has a problem as those believes they have those anglers are directly connected with the past. From the early fathers who were also fishermen around that area, the thing which makes even the new generation to copy and practice those believes the thing which is very bad because sometimes people could be practiced something without knowing whether they are doing the right thing or a bad thing.

Key objectives

What did you hope to achieve with this coverage?

For what I hope to achieve by this coverage, is to educate the mass on some of the believes and opinions which are being practiced by some of the people in our society. Not all of them are to be followed, and being practiced as the matter of fact that some of them are against the rights of human beings. As through doing those things they will directly annoy some of people and made them feel discriminated simply because being women or girls, so from this project those believes should be eliminated away and stopped to be done.

Target audience

Who did you hope to reach? Did you succeed in reaching this audience? What evidence do you have to that effect?

I actually hope to reach all fishermen around, who have this kind of believes towards women. As the matter of fact the fishermen themselves proved that all fishermen in different places have those believes upon women. The thing which is not fair at all because they are against the rights of the human beings, and to large extent.

I succeed to reach the audiences as to a larger part some of the fishermen claims to reduce practicing those believes, as the days going on due to the fact that because of the hardship of life. Currently, this kind of believes are decreasing as now fishermen are looking more for money , hence some according to them they decide to take risks by serving those women for transport despite being in that condition which is dangerous to their business they are doing according to the believes they have. to the side of effect to large extent it has made a number of women to feel discriminated and annoyed hence it has make those women to feel inferior hence makes them being undermined in one way or another most especially

How did you go about producing the programme?

How did you gather the data, how many sources, female and male did you consult? Why did you choose these sources and how were their voices important?

I gathered the data through the interview techniques by asking questions as well as through the focus group discussions with the sources I choose to deal with. and I almost had five sources where there are two men and three women, in which one women by the name of Salome was a victim of those believes which the fishermen around that area have, has she faced the consequences once travel at a time when she was not safe.

Their voices were as important as they add some of attention to audiences to know this issue I so sensitive most especially to women in Mwanza area as well as in other parts inside and outside


What impact did it have? What evidence do you have to illustrate impact?

To large extent the story has impacts to a party that it makes some of the anglers to stop practicing those believes as the fact that the environment we are living currently is new and things have changed. Hence, some have been also being boosted as they see women are using ships for traveling but nothing is happening to them.

Hence, to them slowly start to eliminate those believes hence this is only to the few of them however, it is still a problem to those anglers who are old minded who believe in the past relief from the elders. From the previous moments who were also anglers and tend to believe upon the same things that are being done by the current anglers in their areas they are.

Follow up

How would you conduct a follow up to your story and why?

Follow up would be conducted through tracing the women around that area, if they still experience those believes from the anglers. Also tracing the anglers around the area to see if they have moved away from doing and practicing those believes.