This document details how Australia’s government intends to implement the New National Agenda for Women, which was formulated in 1993 after a review of many recent reports and after a forum to obtain input from women in the community, representatives of many women’s organizations, and all areas of government. Sixteen of the 23 chapters examine the following issues: women and decision making; eliminating violence against women; women and the media; education; training; employment; child care; sex discrimination; health and well-being; women and families; homes and communities; income security; superannuation; sport, recreation, arts, and culture; women and the environment; and international cooperation. Six chapters discuss government programs/policies toward the following groups: non-English-speaking women, young women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women in rural and remote areas, older women, and women with disabilities. Outlined in chapter 23 are processes being used to implement, monitor, and report progress in achieving the national agenda. Each chapter includes a statement of goals and lists of achievements thus far and planned actions. Appended are key information on commonwealth government departments and agencies and a list of organizations represented at the 1992 National Agenda for Women Renewal Forum. (MN)
ISBN: 0644-28680-6
Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia
Edition: 2nd Edition
Year of Publication: 1993
Comment on Women – Shaping and sharing the future