Women’s Policy at the Friedriech Ebert Foundation

Date: January 1, 1970
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The Friedrich Ebert Foundation founded its
WomensÁ•s Political Caucus in 1986 as a response
to a growing interest in womenÁ•s issues and to
many womenÁ•s request to have their own caucus
for these issues.
The goal has remained the same over all these
years. The Caucus is intended to give men and
women from trade unions, politics, science, the
media and many other societal areas an
opportunity to get in touch and discuss equal
rights issues. Its purpose is to assist in the
formation of a network for better mutual information
and for a more effective way of
safeguarding womenÁ•s interests.

ISBN: 3-86077-291-0
Publisher: FES
Year of Publication: 1994

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