There has been little systematic, in-depth research and publication relating to women’s property and inheritance rights in Namibia, although it is known that there are customary beliefs and practices that discriminate against women. It is against this background that the Gender Training and Research Programme (GTRP) and the Department of Sociology, in collaboration with the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC), has undertaken research into the topic with the specific purpose of producing a report to be used by government (such as parliamentarians, judicial and executive personnel ), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), donors and Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in formulating their policies and information campaigns aimed at improving women’s greater access to property. The research for this report was conducted in various regions of the country and examines women’s property and inheritance rights within the major ethnic groups in Namibia. This report describes the social and legal background against which these data reflect the realities of women’s lives, as well as the major differences in property rights for women living within the various ethnic groups under consideration.
ISBN: 99916-63-69-X
Publisher: Pollination Publishers
Year of Publication: 2004
Comment on Women’s property and inheritance rights in Namibia