Age-discrepant sexual partnerships between much older men and younger women are a
known key driver for HIV infection among young women particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The specific extent of these partnerships in higher education institutions is not yet wellresearched
and documented. The present study was an exploratory investigation at a private
Christian-related university in Zimbabwe. From discussion in three focus groups (assembled
through a snowballing process) it was revealed that all the discussants were aware of the
existence of age-discrepant sexual partnerships among people like them in the university.
The relationships were initiated not only by the older men but by the initiatives of the young
women, sometimes with the agency of young male university students. Poverty and need to
survive in a difficult economic environment was important but not the only reason for engaging
in these relationships. Also important to the young women were the need to have access to
trendy goods and services, to be loved and cared for while sexual satisfaction with older men
was only of secondary importance. Risk perception for HIV was universal among the young
women in the study but successful negotiation of safe sex was often impossible. Additional
disadvantages of age-discrepant partnerships included the disempowerment of the young
women and problems caused for the older men ’s families.
Publisher: Midlands State University
Year of Publication: 2011
Comment on Age-Discrepant Sexual Partnerships among Female Students