Caster Semenya: A girl of two parts

Date: December 18, 2009
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In August 2009, the world turned South African middle distance runner Caster Semenya into an international phenomenon, after she won the gold medal in the 800m race in Berlin. However, it was not her athletic prowess that brought her to the forefront of the world media’s attention, but rather the subsequent questions around her gender and sex. This article looks at trends in contemporary and pre-enlightenment theories around the body and sexual identity, and how these shifting thoughts could be applied to Semenya and the surrounding hegemonic discourse on gender.

Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 7th Edition
Year of Publication: 2009
Download : 10409_caster_semenya_a_girl_of_two_parts.pdf

0 thoughts on “Caster Semenya: A girl of two parts”

leelee says:

i never saw things like it

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