Community Broadcasting in SADC-An Overview

Date: January 1, 1970
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Community broadcasting in southern Africa is part of
the democratisation process that spread across Africa
and southern Africa in particular, with processes of
deregulation and liberalisation of broadcasting
from authoritarianism (i.e. apartheid, one-party state
systems of governments) that strictly controlled the
airwaves to much more participatory, democratised
and liberalised broadcasting systems. In the SADC
region, South Africa was one of the first to democratise
the airwaves through the famous Triple Inquiry that
eventually saw the adoption of the three-tier system
of broadcasting, namely, public service, commercial
and community broadcasting. Other countries like
Zambia followed suit in the early 1990’s and opened
up their airwaves to non-state broadcasting and
community, commercial and religious broadcasting
arose. Several other SADC countries such as
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Democratic Republic of
Congo also followed.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-31-8
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 5th Edition
Year of Publication: 2008
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