Effective campaigns: scale, spectacle, sustainability

Date: January 1, 1970
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This millennium has witnessed a global proliferation of
causes, campaigns and civil society groups, and some of
the most massive public mobilisations in human history.
On the other hand, civil society is simultaneously
confronted by what a journalist referred to as
“globosclerosisÀ À“ the hardening of the arteries of the
global corridors of power. Across the world we are seeing
more governments, both ostensibly democratic and
unashamedly authoritarian, constrain the freedoms of
activism, dissent and civic action. These constraints are
both overt À“ through legislation, fiscal restraints and
violent repression and covert – through co-option,
discrediting and marginalisation. In 2007 alone, CIVICUS’
Civil Society watch programme tracked 87 countries that
increased legislative restrictions on civil society, often in
the name of national security and the so-called global
war on terror.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-31-8
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 5th edition
Year of Publication: 2008
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