Giving the girls the space and the power

Date: November 23, 2009
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The right of girls to education is one of the most critical of all rights. Education plays an important role in enabling girls to secure other rights, protecting them from exploitation, and ensuring they have information to help them make important health and life choices. Yet, despite many international and national instruments safeguarding the right to education and numerous commitments governments make towards the realisation of this right, it continues to be systematically violated all over the world. Violence against girls within the education system is the single largest impediment to girls’ enjoyment of their right to education. This is a case study of Action Aid’s organisational model for addressing violence against girls. Girls’ empowerment through information sharing, education, and skills transfer was one of the most critical steps of the whole campaign.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-31-8
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 5th Edition
Year of Publication: 2008
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