Impacting through Media. A Guide to Using the Media in Technical Cooperation

Date: January 1, 1970
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This publication offers practical guidelines for employing the media in development cooperation. It is based on the experience of NGOs in using media in their information, education, communication and advocacy work, as part of The German Agency for Technical Co-operation’s (GTZ) Strengthening Women’s Rights project. The guide targets development experts, who use the media in different sectors as a means of strengthening the broad effect of their work. It covers the themes of environment, rural development and health, as well as the cross cutting themes of HIV prevention, gender and youth. The publication highlights successful examples from project experience for media work in technical cooperation, such as the use of theatre as a low-cost alternative to expensive media productions in advocacy work for female Philippine migrants; easy replicability of reproductive health information brochures for young people in Tanzania; producing videos with creative partners on human and women’s rights in Uruguay; and the synergy achieved through a media mix in a campaign to reduce migration of female sex workers in the Dominican Republic.

Publisher: The German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ)
Year of Publication: 2003

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