Media Activism: Opportunities for Rural Women

Date: January 1, 1970
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The article will explore the issue of media activism and how voices
of rural women have been largely sidelined in advocacy work
using the media. Using the media, women can air their concerns
and at the same time contribute to their development and that of
society as a whole. Because the media is an important tool that
can empower women, it is imperative that rural women have
access to the media and desist from being passive recipients of
views constructed by other people, to active recipients who can
react and fight for fair and accurate reporting. Rural women can
be empowered so that they can respond thoughtfully and factually
to opposing viewpoints. Further, I want to suggest that rural
women be considered powerful news sources that can steer
public debate on important public issues. Media networks and
organisations can play the role of empowering women to approach
media coverage on issues that affect them with a vigilant and
critical eye. At the same time, journalists should take news to
rural women and seek their opinion and comment, which can
assist in effecting change.

Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 4th Edition
Year of Publication: 2008
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