Media coverage of natural disasters through a gender lens

Date: January 1, 1970
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It is possible to look at most events, issues, and happening in the
world through a gender lens, and disasters, whether human or
natural, are no different. Though of course disasters affect everyone
À“ women, men, children À“ they do not usually affect everyone
equally. Though women are often the most impacted during
disasters, their unique needs are rarely considered, and their
possible roles relief and reconstruction efforts ignored. A gender
lens by media in times of disaster may help to highlights some of
these issues. Unless gender is acknowledged as one of several
factors that affect people’s experience of almost everything, and
accepted as one of the “anglesÀ to be explored while covering
anything, the media will continue to tell only part of the story.

Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 3rd Edition
Year of Publication: 2007
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