Radio, Convergence and Development in Africa: Gender as a Cross Cutting Issue

Date: March 4, 2010
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The purpose of this paper is to argue for the consideration of gender issues in all research on radio, convergence and development in Africa. It was written to guide the deliberations at a Roundtable Discussion in September 2009 on a research agenda for community radio, to ensure that gender considerations are front and centre to those research plans. However, the context and recommendations discussed are relevant to diverse research related to radio in Africa. By considering gender in research agendas, there are great possibilities for radio to incorporate strategies that will benefit the population as a whole.

ISBN: 978-1-920550-41-7
Publisher: Gender Links
Edition: 8th Edition
Year of Publication: 2010
Download : 10909_radio_convergence_and_development_in_africa_gender_as_a_cross_cutting_issue.pdf

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