Re-representation of an Indian Identity

Date: January 1, 1970
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In the Kwa-Zulu Natal context, a lot of attention has been paid to the construction of Zulu ethnicity in the political and discursive spheres. Less attention has been paid however to the construction of Indian ethnicity in this region. This project will explore the exclusivist construction of an Indian ethnic identity by an Indian-owned print medium in this geographical context during the time of the 1994 South African elections, when various political parties fought for what has been called the “Indian vote”. It will attempt to point out that the notion of ethnic identity offered by this medium to its readers does not actually challenge those offered to the community by the old South African state.

In grounding the analysis of the editions under discussion in a framework developed by Norman Fairclough, this study draws heavily on a theoretical continuum developed by Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser. It is in such a theoretical context that Fairclough has developed the methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). By bringing such a methodology to bear on the texts under analysis, the study hopes to develop an understanding of Indian 3 ethnicity in this region which suggests that it is an extremely problematic construct.

Publisher: Unpublished Masters thesis, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Year of Publication: 1994

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